Monday, 29 April 2013

The shape of things to come .....

It seems that I am not very good at this blogging malarkey,I am full of good intentions - and ideas for my posts - but not very good at putting fingers to keyboard !

Things at the long thin house have been a bit hectic, which is no excuse, but has led me to re evaluate my blogging strategy.

I know I would miss blogging if I stopped completely but I feel a change is needed to make me blog more, so from now on I shall be trying a new style of blogging, please let me know what you think, and thank you for coming along for the ride, it may be a little bit bumpy to start but hopefully it will settle down soon.

I shall start with a short catch up of the things that have happened here in the long thin house while I have been away.


My first Grandchild Ramona s. Broadley was born.



There has been lots of sewing.




Plenty of crochet (more of this  to come! )

and also some of this...




...Packing !!

speak soon xx