Monday, 12 May 2014

Happiness is......

                                    ...learning to knit socks with double pointed needles.........

                                 It's not perfect, but at least I've mastered holding the scary needles !................

                                                                                                    ...................... Homemade cookies using just 3 ingredients Chocolate spread, flour and an egg.....

.....These taste amazing, slightly gooey with crispy edges, Perfect with fresh coffee ......


                                                                                                                              CUSHIONS !
                                                                                                                                                                       These small squares (any shape really) of fabric have the ability to make me very Happy.................

It's one of my favourite things to run up a few cushion covers in my sewing room....I really need to make more !

.............................................and Lastly, although I could find lots more Happy things
                      this makes me Happy......

.......Just a snapchatted photo of My Daughter and My Grand-daughter wearing matching headbands made by me, I don't get to see them often as they live a quite a way from here so these quickly taken snaps of little things keep me in touch as she is growing so fast !

                            What is making you 

                                                                                  *** HAPPY ***

                                Speak soon,
                                   Mim x

Monday, 5 May 2014

It's been a while....

There have been lots of changes here at the long thin house. The main one being that for now we are staying put. I won't bore you with the whys and wherefores, but rather I shall start My blogging career anew, with snippets of life in the long thin house, My crafty ways, and tales of My new

dventure, Mim's Vintage Home, a place where nostalgia lives and decorates with vintage foibles and fripperies, I do hope you will visit , there is always fresh Tea in the pot and homemade cake..............

there is always cake.................

Happy days........

Speak soon...

Mim x
