Speak soon.

A little bit of everything, My makes, My vintage home, My furry and feathered friends and lots in between !
I would like to start this post with an apology! I have been seduced by Instagram! and have sorely neglected my blog, and for this I am mightily sorry, every time I take a photo intending to use it here it somehow seems to end up on Instagram! I am a woman out of control!! Not wanting to to inundate the ether with repeated photos and witty captions (well captions anyway !) I guiltily promise myself to make amends, and save my musings, but the instant gratification of seeing my snaps along with many others I follow is just too much! and so with shame at my shoulder I do declare I will try harder and visit more often!
so here a few photos that were destined for the blogosphere only to fall at the first hurdle that is Instagram!
speak soon x