Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Versatile Blogger Award.

Thank you to Crafts by the Sea for nominating me for this award, I hope I can do it justice!

7 Random facts ;

1. I love liqourice

2. I passed my cycling proficiency test

3. I hate swimming

4. I have green eyes

5. I have a HNC in fine art and a BTEC in 3Ddesign

6. I own 68 vintage glass cake stands (at the last count)

7. I dislike Margaret Thatcher with a passion.

15 blogs to pass it on;

1. tea by the sea

2. Tea wagon tales

3. Coco rose diaries

4. Carinas' craft blog

5. made by patch

6. The felt fairy

7. Crochet with Raymond

8. Happy loves Rosie

9. wood and rope

10. Dresses and me

11. Rain coast cottage

12. Ideal house wife

13. Doolallytat

14. Daisyley

15. Crafting is my bliss

I love these blogs and find them a never ending source of inspiration.

The Rules;

1. Add the award to your blog.

2. Thank the blogger / bloggers who gave it to you

3. Mention 7 random things about yourself

4. List the rules

5. Award to 15 bloggers

6. Inform each of the 15 by leaving a comment on their blog


  1. Thank you very much for the nomination. Really pleased you like my blog ;)

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination! <3


Hello, thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog, I am always very pleased to hear from you, and will try to answer you as quick as I can.