Saturday, 31 March 2012


Having decided to decorate my table for Easter,I looked to mollie makes - for an egg template, all was well , I found one in issue 1, I set to sewing,my first attempts seemed a little 'flat bottomed' ideal for displaying on a stand or even in an egg box,but not 'egg' shaped enough to hang, immediately I thought of my book crafting springtime gifts, and so again i copied the template and set to sewing,although these eggs were egg shaped they were very large, even the small size was big,i ended up making my own template,which really i should have done straight away, but was enticed by all pretty pictures in both the magazine and book! Luckily I had Syd on hand ( or should I say table!) to make sure they passed the shape test!the template is really easy to make,mine is about 10cm long and 5cm wide at the widest bit(the bottom of the egg), make sure you match all 4 pieces,all the wider parts together,then sew 5mm in from the edge all down one side with right sides facing,add another segment and repeat.On the fourth segment sew all the way down one side ,then part way down the other side at the top and bottom leaving an opening in the middle, turn in the right way and stuff using soft toy wadding ,finally stitch up the opening.I find the eggs look better if you really stuff them well,sew a small loop of string to the top,find yourself some twigs or branches,preferably with blossom,an old vase/jug or vintage milk bottle and hang them up!










Hello postie!

In all the excitement of setting up this blog I forgot the Postman delivered my vintage ladybird books this morning,I was planning to cut them up into mini bunting,but have had a wobble at the last moment! Now thinking I might scan and resize,so I can have endless copies( is this naughty? Technically I am not reproducing them as books!!)but I won't be rushing into anything I still have to finish making my fabric eggs ( photos to follow) and finish crochet- ing (?) a bath mat using sisal string, so many things! I think I'll just have a quick cup of tea and a biscuit.


A near brush with technology!

After a lengthy consult with Husband it has been bought to my attention that in fact my ipad is not compatible with the wordpress dashboard! So now i am posting via an app!! This is indeed a very steep learning curve, i feel like a nerd when all i wanted to do was talk about sewing and chickens and how many ways a cat can lay on a pile of fabric! Now for another task uploading a photo! I found these at an antiques center( more like junk being passed off as antiques!) and couldn't resist them,


Brave new post!


Well this is simple!! I have been thinking of writing a blog for a while now,you know the sort of thing i mean..all the small things that pop into your head whilst you are doing something else,and a whole heap of incidents that happen during the day when you live with a menagerie of creatures( not including my husband D and daughter ,Pumpkin,although they do account for their fair share of incidents!) i also felt i would like to share my sewing and craft projects with more than just the cats! But i am not a technical creature ,so this is a steep learning curve, so i promise to try my best and lets see how this goes!


This is not simple.