The sun is shinning on the long thin house, and all is fine and dandy ! I have managed to spend sometime in the garden, doing routine things like mowing the lawn, well bits of it anyway, I like to leave some of the grass long and just mow wiggly paths through it, sort of secret garden/neglected garden style! but I have also managed to sit and take stock...mainly because I was out of puff from mowing the steep incline that is the long thin garden, so moving wasn't an option! I know we have all had enough of the persistent rain we have had recently , even the BBC has gone quiet about the drought, although 2 days of sunshine they are bound to start again soon ! But the garden is looking lush ! All the buds are fat and healthy, fronds are zingy green and curly, and the red tinged baby leaves on our 100 + year old Walnut tree are looking shiny and plentiful, if you don't look too hard and notice the weeds, (which have also enjoyed the rain!) the long thin garden is looking tiptop, even though I say so myself...I think I have just had an Alys Fowler moment:)
thinking some crocheting on the hammock is in order!
speak soon.
I think it's a beautiful garden/yard :) Where I live here in Australia it is much drier but I'm working hard to establish a garden at our new house with lots of compost and mulch :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, it's definitely a garden, in England a yard is a tiny 'garden' usually with no grass,and mostly found in the North of the country, it may be tiny by Australian standards, but it is definitely a garden,My Cousin who comes from Perth once called a terraced house we lived in a 'unit'! because as she pointed out it was very small compared to the houses she was used too!:) Good luck with your garden lots of compost and mulch is always a good idea to help with water retention,planning a brand new garden must be very exciting!
ReplyDeleteIt looks lovely. Lots of weedy bits in my garden but I leave them because they fill in the gaps ;)
ReplyDeleteI call the weeds my 'nature' patches, very good for wildlife :)
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