Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Time flies.....

Well how did that happen? I just read my last blog and even I didn't realise it had been so long ! So much has happened !

Firstly a Sunny update, in my last blog things were not going to plan with the fixing of Sunny and things came to a head when the deadline of the festival we needed her for was a week away and she still wasn't going ! So the decision was made to 'do up Myfanwy" instead as she was working mechanically but had no interior whatsoever and needed an MOT . We were due to leave on Wednesday, so a week before  we were due to leave  we started to take out Sunny's interior ready to put it in Myfanwy , who needed a bit of attention before we could re-fit her as she had no coverings on any of her panels, or flooring or cab mats !

[caption id="attachment_382" align="aligncenter" width="225"] a very sorry looking Myfanwy[/caption]

She had been owned by a young chap who thought it would be a good idea to cover her in pictures cut from surf magazines !

[caption id="attachment_383" align="aligncenter" width="300"] covering the window surrounds
covering side panels
laying flooring
sprucing up the cab with new seat covers and door panels[/caption]

She was booked in for an MOT on the Thursday before we left, which she failed ! Luckily we have a friend who does welding or we would have been sleeping in the car ! But this couldn't be done until the Monday, which mean't that we had Friday ,Saturday and Sunday to get the interior finished, leaving Tuesday for shopping and packing ...I like a challenge !

Saturday and Sunday were spent making curtains and covering the seat cushions while Husband tried to re-jig the interior which didn't fit straight in as the vans were slightly different inside

but she was beginning to take shape. Monday saw her away all day being welded, so we couldn't work on her interior but I made her a cover for her spare wheel

Then it was off to be re-MOT'd on Tuesday...SHE PASSED !Yay,

So now it was all hands to the pump ! We .....

[caption id="attachment_389" align="aligncenter" width="300"] curtain fabric[/caption]

hung the curtains,

[caption id="attachment_390" align="aligncenter" width="300"] seat cushion covering[/caption]

replaced her seat cushions

[caption id="attachment_391" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Myfanwys new pop roof cover, crocheted bunting and mini lampshade lights[/caption]

and just generally cosied her up !

Tuesday evening she was ready to roll

We had an awesome festival and Myfanwy did us proud










[caption id="attachment_393" align="aligncenter" width="225"] festival mode[/caption]

So it all came right in the end. As for Sunny, well she is looking a little worse for ware at the moment, but the good news is she is off to live in Devon with number 2 daughter who's partner is a carpenter and they are going to re-build her a new interior and give her some TLC, with a new baby on the way she will be perfect for little family getaways !

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Things they are a changing part 2 !

Well little did I know when I named my last blog just how changed things were going to be ! Middle daughter, Number 3 child or should I say 25 yr old young lady is going to be a Mummy ! A very unexpected announcement but a good one, All parties are happy and the couple have plans to move to Devon so all is good .

Things in the long thin house have slowed to a virtual stop since the start of wimbledon , but the sorting of the sewing room is coming along, VW Camper fixing is not going according to plan, but that was to be expected.  Hopefully my next blog will show Sunny in all her glory !

enjoy your weekend,

speak soon x

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Things they are a changing!

Things are certainly changing in the long thin house ! Pumpkin decided she would rather have the attic room as her bedroom which in turn freed up a slightly larger room which I will now use as my sewing room and the smaller room shall now be a guest room (for very small guests!), now I do have some snaps of the chaos that is still ensuing, but please forgive the quality, as we speak a new camera is winging it's way to the long thin house so be amazed when future pics are perfectly exposed and professionally posed ( out of focus more like !) .
Crafting has carried on as usual amid the carrying of boxes between aforementioned rooms, and crochet is still my craft of choice at the mo, I have been experimenting with different granny square patterns, I have even crocheted a camera strap in anticipation of the above mentioned arrival although Husband doesn't seem to keen on the thought of wearing it ! Can't understand why ;) and I have started my first blanket, hopefully it will be finished in time for our trip to Oxfordshire in Sunny the VW camper fingers crossed she will be in full working order by then! ( but that's a whole other story! ) My collection of toy sewing machines seems to be much larger than I thought, so new shelving is on the cards and it's going to take a while to get everything how I like it, but it will be great to have a cutting table an a separate machine table in the same room ! And when the mundane bit of moving rooms is done I shall keep you posted with the best bit , putting it all back together to look pretty!
Speak soon x.











Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Make cushions while the rain falls!

Flaming June! Well what a to do, June has seen our household entering the domain of another Teenager, although I maintain she has been a practising teen for the last 5yrs! It has seen a trip to the Harry Potter film studio tour, for said Teenagers treat, funny how somethings' remain 'cool'.It has been the month where the garden has gone from lush to lush with knobs on( for lush you can substitute wild!)June was also the month that my lovely Husband ( he will probably read this ! ) gave me a 1930's Art Deco ruby eternity ring! Which i have been hankering after for many a year! It has also been a month of crochet, sometimes frantic, finishing egg cosies for the Bicycle Bazaar that fell foul of the weather, but mostly enjoyable, bags, granny squares, and my first ever circular cushion ! Oh and there was something about a jubilee and apparently more rain than than you can wiggle a crochet hook at, not that I am complaining, bring on the rain as long rainy days = crafting days I'll be humming ( singing would upset the animals! ) And to think it's only 13 days in, wonder what will happen in the rest of the month!
Speak soon.













Thursday, 7 June 2012

Must try harder !

I would like to start this post with an apology! I have been seduced by Instagram! and have sorely neglected my blog, and for this I am mightily sorry, every time I take a photo intending to use it here it somehow seems to end up on Instagram! I am a woman out of control!! Not wanting to to inundate the ether with repeated photos and witty captions (well captions anyway !) I guiltily promise myself to make amends, and save my musings, but the instant gratification of seeing my  snaps  along with many others I follow is just too much! and so with shame at my shoulder I do declare  I will try harder and visit more often!

so here a few photos that were destined for the blogosphere only to fall at the first hurdle that is Instagram!

speak soon x

[caption id="attachment_334" align="alignleft" width="300"] Crochet bag I made while not using Instagram!
I seem to have caught a bug for crochet bags!
sunburst granny square cushion finished thanks to Jubilee weather![/caption]

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Versatile Blogger Award.

Thank you to Crafts by the Sea for nominating me for this award, I hope I can do it justice!

7 Random facts ;

1. I love liqourice

2. I passed my cycling proficiency test

3. I hate swimming

4. I have green eyes

5. I have a HNC in fine art and a BTEC in 3Ddesign

6. I own 68 vintage glass cake stands (at the last count)

7. I dislike Margaret Thatcher with a passion.

15 blogs to pass it on;

1. tea by the sea

2. Tea wagon tales

3. Coco rose diaries

4. Carinas' craft blog

5. made by patch

6. The felt fairy

7. Crochet with Raymond

8. Happy loves Rosie

9. wood and rope

10. Dresses and me

11. Rain coast cottage

12. Ideal house wife

13. Doolallytat

14. Daisyley

15. Crafting is my bliss

I love these blogs and find them a never ending source of inspiration.

The Rules;

1. Add the award to your blog.

2. Thank the blogger / bloggers who gave it to you

3. Mention 7 random things about yourself

4. List the rules

5. Award to 15 bloggers

6. Inform each of the 15 by leaving a comment on their blog

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Hello sunshine!

The sun is shinning on the long thin house, and all is fine and dandy ! I have managed to spend sometime in the garden, doing routine things like mowing the lawn, well bits of it anyway, I like to leave some of the grass long and just mow wiggly paths through it, sort of secret garden/neglected garden style! but I have also managed to sit and take stock...mainly because I was out of puff from mowing the steep incline that is the long thin garden, so moving wasn't an option! I know we have all had enough of the persistent rain we have had recently , even the BBC has gone quiet about the drought, although 2 days of sunshine they are bound to start again soon ! But the garden is looking lush ! All the buds are fat and healthy, fronds are zingy green and curly, and the red tinged baby leaves on our 100 + year old Walnut tree are looking shiny and plentiful,                                    if you don't look too hard and notice the weeds, (which have also enjoyed the rain!) the long thin garden is looking tiptop, even though I say so myself...I think I have just had an Alys Fowler moment:)

 thinking some crocheting on the hammock is in order!

speak soon.