Monday, 6 May 2013

A little bit of this and that

Now the sun has started to shine my Crocheting seems to have taken on more spring like hues



Even Crochet for Baby Ramona has turned from blankets to summery sandals



Things here at the long thin house are in a bit of a limbo, lots of things packed into boxes waiting for moving day...whenever that is !

I'm not very good at empty spaces, and now bootsale season has started again the shelves aren't looking as bare as they should !Image


Speak soon

Mim xx


  1. creative pixie6 May 2013 at 12:55

    Cute sandles

  2. Ooh such pretty colours to crochet! They all look lovely! I love pastel spring colours :D

  3. Beautiful colours - I just love those sweet baby sandals. Am trying to be very restrained with the start of 'car boot season' but it's very hard - I don't think I could have resisted that tea/coffee set! Em xx

  4. I love the baby shoe pattern, I am very tempted by the little espadrilles too ! Judging by todays weather I think the bootsale season is going to be short lived ! ;)


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