Saturday, 25 May 2013

Thrifty temptations

Having lived in the long thin house for almost 14 years, and having amassed a few bits and bobs along the way I thought it prudent to start packing said bobs sooner rather than later in anticipation of the aforementioned house move , and as they are non essentials it would leave me more time to pack up the day to day items when we get the green light to go.

Very wise I hear you say, How organised I hear  you mutter..... but I am not good at empty spaces...........

they taunt me with their emptiness...................

and mock me with their space.............

and so......................

this happens......


and this....




Oh dear !!


It seems it is as I suspected........



Resistance is futile !

Speak soon,

Mim xx


  1. creative pixie25 May 2013 at 00:25

    All those little animals just looking up at you.... I can see how you'd have trouble packing them up :)

  2. I think that's my problem, i'm just too soft :)

  3. How could you resist?? I love those little kitty's and bunny :)
    Have a lovely weekend xxxxxx

  4. thank you :) I have zero willpower ! have a lovely weekend too xx

  5. Packing is not the most exciting job in the world and can seem like a mountain of work too. Small steps and you will get there in the end. Maybe do less pretty things first?

  6. I am quite enjoying the packing, it's quite liberating having a good old sort out, but i've just got to stop filling the space I make with other bits, I'm thinking of banning myself from charity shops :)


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