Since my last post a lot has changed in the long thin house..of which I shall not bore you with the details.... but the result is We are moving to Devon !!

Our 1st Granchild is due in March and we have decided to move closer to our Daughter who just happens to be living in the part of the country we have always wanted to live in !
The second plan and probably our most ambitious is that we are hoping to open a Teashop/ craft space in or near Exeter !!
I am very excited to be combining two of my most favourite things ... cake and craft , and hopefully get to meet new friends along the way !
Well this is just a quick update to let you all know that I am still here and what plans are afoot, and I will be keeping a record of our journey from Essex to Devon and everything in between. Hopefully you will share in our adventure and in years to come I an look back and think why didn't we do this before !
Next time i want to show you what I have been up to craft wise since we last spoke and how it has led me to a brand new crafty project, all I will say for now is it's magic !

Speak soon
Mim xx
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