Hello, I have not forgotten all you lovely people in blog land but routine maintenance at the long thin house has somewhat taken over any spare time I seem to have! On top of the usual routine of feeding Dogs, Cats, Chickens, Fish, and the cleaning up the menagerie demands, the human inhabitants of the long thin house have also had to contend with renovating the Bathroom,fixing a leaking ceiling, and stopping the long thin garden from becoming an horrendous overgrown jungle instead of a slightly overgrown jungle, as well as cleaning,washing,baking, Meanwhile Dolly sewing has really ground to a halt, after a few unsuccessful attempts, of which I am too ashamed to document, I am still at the beginning stage.

We are also starting to get Sunny our 1976 VW camper ready for our summer festival excursion, We are trying to decide how much of a facelift she will be getting, it might just be a cat's lick and a promise or...and this is my preferred option.... the whole nine yards ! including a new coat of paint!! I shall keep you posted and hopefully have some pics of her crochety goodness granny chic/ retro interior !

I have however managed to fit in some crochet, there is always time for crochet! and have finished a granny square cushion, and have now started on a sunburst granny square cushion, so I haven't been entirely bereft of crafty goodness !

Ho hum, off to feed the Chickens, take care, speak soon.
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