Sorry no blog yesterday,away visiting family,by the time we got home I couldn't think straight let alone blog.There has been a small development with my sewing projects.As you may well of guessed by now I have trouble focusing on one thing at a time,and my multi tasking sometimes leads to more tea less making! But being really determined to get on with things I have made enquirys into booking a pitch at a Bicycle Bazaar! Basically you load as many things as you can make or want to sell into the baskets on the back and front of your bicycle and sell them, it's a cross between a craft fair and vintage fair all in one,the only things that are new are things that are handmade! It looks like a lot of fun,this one will be for the Diamond Jubilee, so it should be a real occasion, and having a firm booking will give me something else to work too, I shall keep you posted on how it's progressing,look out for more photos, including my Dutchie bicycle which I will be loading with my wares! Before we set off yesterday Mr postman visited again with more goodies from Mr Ebay . If you remember a while ago I posted a photo of my vintage toy sewing machines... Well I did it again! I couldn't resist, it turns out the little blue 50's Vulcan machine had a baby sister and two big sisters! I just happened to find them whilst not really looking for them on eBay !

Meet the girls, Minor, Junior, Senior and the Countess, I think there might be others but I am not looking anymore!
While not looking ,I spotted a very cute little,Little Betty,

Already having the 60's / 70's version it seemed a shame to ignore her shabby little self ,so she is now another member of the family.
Then when it seemed that I just couldn't find another reason to buy anymore toy machines I found these,

Essex Girls! I just couldn't leave them could I! A miniature Essex machine which was actually made for the adult market, which became very popular for children because of it's size. The company made thousands of the mk1 until modern looking imports from America meant that they had to change the look to keep up , these little machines were extremely expensive to buy, but when the Japanese imports started after the war they couldn't compete and stopped making them.they really are all so very cute, I like to think of all the little things that were made with them, and they look so cool in my sewing room.
But I really really have stopped looking , I have enough vintage toy machines, I should be using my adult sewing machine, to make more things for Folksy and the Bazaar, so I am off now to be busy,I mean it, no tea and definitely no more toys!