Thursday, 12 April 2012

Huff and puff !

Still busily sewing away to build up stock for my Folksy shop, my Royal Bunny Rabbit is looking a bit forlorn without her party outfit !

Patterns are made and fabric chosen for her outfit but that's as far as I have got ! While searching through my fabric stash to see what would be suitable for a Royal Bunny I came across the last few circles of fabric I had cut out to make a Suffolk puff cushion for my bed. So any excuse to deviate from what I should be doing I thought I' d share it with you all.

Suffolk puffs are a traditional patchwork technique, and are very simple to make, here I have used them to cover a cushion , but they could also be used to make a brooch or to decorate hats, scarves, lampshades, blankets,etc, I have made this one into a brooch, but it could be pinned to lots of things,they can also be sewn together to make necklaces.


20120412-095418.jpgUsing different weights of fabric they can be used for lots of different occasions, Chiffony types of material make very romantic looking puffs, while using vintage fabric and buttons would give a funkier feel, the best way is just to experiment,why not use leftover fabrics from your sewing projects to make matching brooches or headbands!


Draw a circle onto some card slightly larger than you want the puff to be , it can be any size you want, use this template to draw around onto your chosen fabric, I use 3 graduating circles, to give 3 layers of fabric , but you can use more or less, one little puff and a button centre is cute !


Sew a row of running stitches slightly in from the edge all the way round.



Pull both ends of the thread until the circle is completely gathered, like a little shower cap ! Then secure the thread with a double knot or a little stitch to keep it from ungathering. Et voila ! A Suffolk puff , make 2 smaller puffs and sew together using a vintage button, you don' t have to use a button you can just leave it gathered. So hope you have fun making puffs , they really don't need a lot of huff !

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