Right! Have been reading lots of your blogs and seeing all the really cool things you are all making! This is making me feel very lazy,and unworthy! So having woke up to brilliant sunshine ( although I was expecting it to be gloomy) I have decided to set myself a goal. Last year I set up a Folksy shop to sell a few things I make, mainly cushions, tea / coffee cosies, glasses cases, knitted corsages and Christmas Angels, amongst other things, and I did sell a few, which made me feel really good! Then, what with one thing and another I let it slide, I did have a stall at a local school bazaar where I did better than I expected, and the feed back was very positive, but I still didn't stock up my Folksy shop.So now spurred on by all you fabulously talented people I have set myself a goal . By the end of April I will have a fully up and running Folksy shop, filled with a range of things I love to make, keep an eye on this space and I will let you know when I have started listing my things, and I would be very grateful for any feedback. There I've said it out loud now! So there is no going back!

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