Firstly the newly spruced sitting room. The vintage flower paintings are left over from a previous decorating scheme, and the I made the heart picture above the sofa from vintage French love letters and pages from an already broken French book from 1880 something,

The next photos are of the piano room,which doubles as a computer room,I love using mirrors as decoration,and as this room can be dark they make good use of light from the window

The rest of the photos show the room at the back where we spend a lot of time, it has a wood burner and is home to my 'fledgling' collection of vintage birdcages, mostly French, also my collection of Emma Bridgewater ceramics, my homemade grainsack cushions and embroidered Jan Constantine cushions, so it is a very eclectic mix, but definitely erring towards shabby!

This last photo is of our front porch door and should be in with the first photos, but as I said scant knowledge and all that, the photos on the wall are actually my Dad when he was a nipper, I love them. />;;

I hope you enjoyed the photos, things tend to change quite regularly here, but the shabbiness is constant, I think it's in my blood, speak soon
Love your style, also love the camper van peering in at the window
ReplyDelete:) Myfanwy (m-van-wy) does like to get in the picture, even though she is not looking her best! Outside she is glam, inside she is glum! A serious make over is due.we have another vw bay window, who is nicely tucked up under a fetching silver cover awaiting tinkering on her exhaust at the mo, she is yellow and white and full of crocheted blankets and cushions and answers to the name Sunny, she will be escorting us to festivals,picnics and general fun and frolics this summer while Myfanwy gets kitted out!
ReplyDeleteOooooo thank you. A very fast response and some lovely ideas here too. You have some lovely collections. Really like the mirrors, especially the ones with handles. And I can see why you spend lots of time near the wood burner - such a lovely corner. I really like the mix and match-ness of it but I'm a bit worried about pulling it all together. I shall continue to ponder it. I think we might need posts about Myfanwy and Sunny sometime too ;)
ReplyDeleteI try and take photos of most things that I am making,doing or just find interesting, that's why the photos can be a bit wonky as the iPad isn't the best camera in the world, so I already had the photos , that's why it was speedy ! I hope they were a little bit useful.
ReplyDeleteI find that if you are unsure about a decorating scheme, style or colour mood boards are a great help and a lot of fun! I love cutting pictures from magazines, collecting fabric and paint samples.
Keep the boards in the room you are decorating and add or get rid of things you like /dislike, it gets you familiar with the feel of the scheme.
I have just started using Pinterest which is a great way of collecting things you like from the Internet and putting your own pictures onto a board,which is great when trying out new schemes.
Enough of my rambling, good luck with the revamp.